EventZ on the front page of our Industry Magazine

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Show your appreciation in three playful ways. In about 10 minutes from nothing to a festive mini pop-up café; the VrijMiBoBus is just one of the creative ideas of René Huijbregts, owner of EventZ Nederland BV. 'If 97 things can't be done, there are always three things that can,' is his positive motto. And those three things they have found at EventZ with three complete concepts, for each target group and budget a crazy production: the Compliments Carousel, the VrijMiBoBus and talent show The Stars of... No tinkering but real innovations, that's what René goes for.

René: "These are thank-you and bonding events that will be fun to experience years ago and in a few years from now!

Compliments Carousel

EventZ organizes experiences and corporate events. René: "Did you know that compliments contribute to a feeling of appreciation and that a heartfelt compliment is worth more than a bonus? During our brainstorming we quickly came up with the idea of a virtual compliments action; The ComplimentsCaroussel. Colorful and personalized posters with a QR code will be placed on location for each company. Employees can scan these with their own phone for a month. They are then shown one of 25 short feel-good films: a serenade by a well-known singer, a verbal boost from the management or the motto of a colleague. As an alternative to the posters, fun postcards can also be sent to employees' home addresses. Perfect for large companies who want to give their employees a month's boost just before the summer vacations!


Building on an upbeat way to provide a boost to the business, EventZ developed the VrijMiBoBus. 'How fun is that,' René begins enthusiastically. 'Employees receive a mysterious invitation: next Friday (or Thursday, or Wednesday...), 4 p.m.. Be on the case! Just before the moment suprême, there is nothing to see, until the VrijMiBoBus drives onto the grounds with much fanfare. Within 10 minutes there is a veritable pop-up mini-cafe, complete with presenter, standing tables, music and cold drinks. Time for an unexpected company drink! And as quickly as we arrived, we are gone again after a few hours. All our stuff disappears into the VrijMiBoBus. The only thing left behind is a smile from your colleagues and employees.'

The Stars of...

The success of the concept The Stars of... has already been proven. It was first rolled out for Hoogvliet Supermarkets and in the meantime has already been implemented six times for different parties. According to René, The Stars of... fits perfectly as an alternative way to feel connected with each other. The Stars of... is a complete audition process in which a special audition bus with a video and sound studio and presenter drives past various branches of your company to record video clips of the talented employees. The videos went online so that they could be voted on, and through various preliminary rounds we worked towards the spectacular finals. René: "The live finale can of course be postponed until all the events are vacated again. You can also attach another prize to it. What matters most: you put your own employees in the spotlight!'

Connection and appreciation

All three concepts appeal to a very different target group with a different budget. In other words, something for everyone. René: 'It's about showing that connection and appreciation in a different, playful way. Especially these times can use that well.'

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